Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Ideas in Gardening

"Just living is not enough...One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."

For me, this is very true to my heart.  I can only speak for myself but when I get out in the sunshine whether it is walking, swimming or working in the yard it can totally change my state of being.  You just automatically feel better.  Try it the next time if you are a little down and see if it doesn't cheer you up.  My youngest daughter's anatomy professor just told her class that sunshine activates the pineal gland.  The pineal gland is a sensory organ so there you go.

Over the years, I have read several books and listened to different people talk about the benefits of working in the garden with no gloves and barefooted.  Getting dirt under your finger nails, according to Dr. Jordan Rubin in The Maker's Diet, helps you get needed minerals that are in dirt at the cellular
level.  I've also heard another doctor speak about your DNA getting in the dirt while working around your plants without gloves and the plants picking up on what your body needs and producing that in your vegetables.  I know it sounds a little out there.  I'm not a left brain person and quantum physics is something I wouldn't even try to explain but for the little bit I understand I can see where this would be true. 

Now, I would like to tell you about something I have been reading.  This is a lady from Russia who has some ideas that I have never heard of before.  One idea that I found very interesting is taking your seeds that you are going to plant and putting them in your mouth and holding them there in your saliva for 9 minutes.  I know that seems like a long time, it did to me.  Then take them out and pat the seeds between your palms and breath on the seeds.   Plant the seeds but do not water for 3 days.  Plant according to the moon. I think that means to plant on a full moon.  She says, "when the seedlings start to sprout don't remove nearby weeds because that will protect the plants from insects, also touch your plants during every full moon cycle."  Consume the produce within 3 days of harvesting it.  She says that if you are lacking any thing in your body or if you have a disease what you have planted will heal you.  I know, I know this sounds out there but we really don't know what can happen on a quantum level.  If you have never watched Water, The Great Mystery it's very interesting and worth watching.  You can find it on You tube.  I am going to be doing this in about 4 weeks.  I'm planting a fall garden and I'll let you know what happens.

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