Thursday, April 22, 2010

Remembering Mom

Today would have been her 91st. birthday. She died when she was 64 and that was too young. But I have been at peace knowing that God knew what He was doing. I was blessed beyond words because I had a wonderful mother who gave me a lifetime of great memories. I personally believe that's one of the best things you can give your children....great memories! My mother wrote many things on my heart without realizing it. Her character and integrity, the love she showed others, just the woman she was made a memory in me I'll never forget.

Some of the things I remember most fondly is being ill and her making sure I had a cool wash cloth for my head, that I was tucked in bed and covered up good and the best part was the strawberry milkshake she would always get me from Dairy Queen. All the fun birthday celebrations and the wonderful holidays. Waking up on Thanksgiving and Christmas morning to the smell of turkey and dressing cooking in the oven. Getting up to a beautifully set table, the house festive and ready for the day. The anticipation and excitement of the arrival of grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It would be a day filled with laughing, joking, games, playing outside, if the weather permitted, lots of scrumptious dishes. In the evening, my mom would pull out old picture albums and we would look at pictures of loved ones who were not with us anymore and there would be funny stories told by some of the older relatives of times gone by.

In the spring and summer my mother always had several bouquets of fresh flowers throughout our home. I remember my ninth grade trip to an amusement park in Texas. It was midnight when we returned to the school and there waiting in the parking lot for me was my dad. He took me home and I remember walking into the house. It was the middle of May and the windows were open and there was a light breeze through the house. The fragrance of roses, lilacs, peonies, iris and daisies mingled together to create the sweetest fragrance. The house was spotless. Mom had cleaned house that day and washed the sheets which hung on the line to dry. After a warm bath, I can remember slipping between those wonderful smelling sheets, the moon shining in my window and the faint sweet smell of flowers flitting through my room as I fell off to sleep. What a memory!

In looking back over the more than fifty years to things that happened when I was a small girl, the indelible memories are there, reminding me how blessed I was to have not only a wonderful mom but an equally wonderful dad.

All that I am I owe to God. But He used my mom and dad to smooth off the rough edges and help Him start the shaping and molding of my life.

These things I am writing about today, I never even thought to thank or mention them to my mom. Your children do notice the little everyday things you do for them. Taking your children on wonderful vacations are the obvious memories you think they will always remember but having a home, a place of peace and love, are the memories you may not hear about but these will endure in their hearts forever.

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