Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Editorial

This is the letter I have wanted to write and send to the Daily Oklahoman for several years.  After watching the local news yesterday morning, I was once again moved emotionally by what I saw and the old feelings that I have toward sports all resurfaced.

The news covered a story about the teachers in the Moore area who were being shown a little tender loving care.  The teacher who was interviewed was so meek, a little surprised, humbled and very grateful for the attention they were being shown.  They were being given new free clothes.  These were her words, " I can't believe it, we can get as many clothes as we want and there are people to help us carry our clothes, to show us to a room to try them on and they have cold bottled water for us to drink.  Everyone is so helpful." You could tell she was surprised by the treatment. I felt sorry for her .

Then my mind went back to several years ago when the Thunder was on strike because they were not being paid enough money. REALLY!!  At the time, it sickened me.  I wished I was in charge of that decision making process at the time because there would not be a basketball team for Oklahoma City.  At the time, I thought how screwed up our society is that they will pay millions to people to play sports when our educational system is a wreck and the teachers trying to teach our children should be paid the millions the sports figures are getting.  I know that one of the players donated a million to the storm relief but they all should have making that much money.  I know what you are thinking, I understand all the revenue this brings into our city but I still don't like it. 

This is something I have wrestled with for many years.  All of our children played sports mainly soccer and basketball.  For years our family has loved Coach K and we always root for the Duke Demons.  My husband and I started the Oklahoma City Homeschool Basketball Program and I really wish I could tell you that we made a more substantial contribution to the homeschooling program than starting a basketball team.  By the time our last child was graduating from high school, I had pretty much made up my mind that sports was a waste of time and money.  Nothing is gained from sports.  I will grant you that children can get scholarships to go to college but that is probably the only advantage.  For me personally, if I had it to do over again my children would not play sports.  They had fun playing sports but they do see that for them in their adult life now that it profitted them nothing.

I would love to see the current educational system dismantled and all the money that is spent on sports put into creating a new educational system and for teachers to get paid for what they are doing.  They are teaching your children all day, five days a week.  If you have never taught there is so much time that goes into teaching.  Research, reading, planning and grading papers.  I really have just touched the surface.  A good teacher is worth their weight in gold and that is what they should be paid. 

As a society, we need to look at where we are and what we value.  I don't have money to buy tickets to the Thunder games but if I did, I wouldn't.  I'm not just picking on the Thunder it is professional sports everywhere.  I think it is a disgrace that Americans spend millions to support such nonsense.

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