Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Oldest Dear Friend

After a busy day yesterday, I arrived home to find a big package by my front door.  I hadn't ordered any thing so I quickly looked to see who it was addressed to.  It was for me :) from my oldest dear friend. 

We have been friends since we were 4 years old.  We grew up together on the same street just three houses apart. Our birthdays are both in November and she just lacks about a week being a year older than me. When we were growing up she was very good at always reminding me that she was the oldest.  Now she would like to forget that she is the oldest.  :)   We both had unusual names.  She grew no taller than about 4'10" and I was 5'10" and didn't think I would ever stop growing.  She has a great sense of humor, very quick on her feet, very smart, caring and loving person.

She married after graduating from high school and moved to Texas and went to work in the accounting department at Johnson's and Johnson's. In those days, I was busy with boyfriends and college but she remained a faithful friend with cards and phone calls and visits when she was in town.  I'll always be grateful to her for that because at that time I wasn't much of a faithful friend.

It is so true that the people you associate with have a profound impact on your life for good or bad.  Over the last several years, as I have listened to successful people lecture they always emphasize,"what type of people are your friends." My dear friend always inspired me to strive for excellence, encouraged me to run for class vice president in junior high and I won.  She helped me with my campaign speech before the whole school.  She was in drama and speech and competed and always won.  I spent many evenings in her bedroom listening to her practice for her competition. I will always remember her portrayal of A Patch of Blue and the Glass Menagerie.  It was moving!

Our nick names for each other are; hers is Burt and mine is Miss America.  There were five of us kids who would play together in our neighborhood.   We would get in my back yard and play Miss America.  My friend was always Burt Parks (speech, drama coming out) the rest of us girls would dress up in old formals and come strolling out of the garage and Burt would be narrating as we walked by and she always let me win!  I'm laughing as I write and remember this.  Then there was the time we rented a 2 seater bicycle for the day and rode all over the south part of Oklahoma City and when the dog started after us I was the one doing all the peddling.  She had her legs straight out.  I yelled get on the peddles, she said, I can't go that fast.  Laughing and Laughing.  It wasn't too funny at the time.  So many slumber parties, nights in her parents cellar when it stormed, trick or treating together, walking to grade school, I could go on and on.  So thankful for the wonderful memories.

I am so proud of her.  She went from working in the accounting department to being the person right under the head of the IRS. I forgot her official title. She moved to Washington D.C. but after several years decided that wasn't for her.  She loves traveling and lecturing for the IRS and does teaching at Auburn University with no college degree.  Actually, I always tell her she missed her calling.  She would have been a wonderful actress or comedy writer for a sitcom.  She's never lost her sense of humor.  

I excitedly opened my package filled with wonderful gifts from her and a very heartfelt mother's day card and note. We share so many wonderful memories.  I can sit back and remember and laugh and cry. 

So to my dearest old friend who is a wonderful wife, mother, sister and friend, have a beautiful day with your exceptional daughters.

Always love to you Burt,

Miss America

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