Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Gerson Therapy

We are bombarded on every side with things that are destroying our health.  Our food sources are really not good unless you buy organic, and even then you need to be careful because everything that says organic isn't.  Then there are all the chemicals that are literally in everything.  We have very strong bodies to withstand all that they are subjected too.

I recently watched a documentary on Dr. Max Gerson.  It was wonderful!  He was a man from Europe that escaped the Holocaust with his immediate family but lost his parents and all his siblings.  The documentary tells about how he came to develop his therapy and how it cures almost every kind of cancer.  His Institute was taking over by his daughter when he died and it's headquarters is in San Diego and there is a clinic in Mexico. 

I'm totally sold on alternative therapy because there are very few people who survive chemotherapy, it is basically poison and does great harm to your body.  His therapy is totally natural and his results are phenomenal. There are two books about this therapy that you can find on Amazon.  I know that not everyone is open to alternative therapy but I just think people should at least know that there is another way if you are interested.

Also, don't forget about Dr. Burzynski in Texas.  So far, he has been able to beat the U.S. court system and keep his clinic open. 

Sadly, I hear the news of friends or acquaintances getting cancer and no one ever wants to hear that news.  I hope you will take the time to watch the documentary or read his books.  All the information is more than encouraging.

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