Thursday, September 26, 2013

When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Appear

During our homeschooling years, I knew it was as much for me as it was for our children and I learned a lot.  As a child in school, my mind was on everything except listening to my teacher.   I hate to tell you I home schooled our children because I'm always using the wrong tense or I have misspelled a word.  But my reasons for homeschooling was not just reading, writing and arithmetic.  Let me get back on track and continue with my story.  We were studying Ancient  History and we were reading about Sumner or Sumeria, I can't remember now the exact name, but this civilization was very advanced.  They talked about well constructed cities and they had sewer systems.  I stopped at that point and told my children I don't get it.  How did we go from sewer systems to out houses........what happened along the way.   I remember talking to Gary about it when he arrived home that night.  He thought it was interesting but he was busy and I know he was thinking who cares about sewer systems in ancient Sumner. :)  I asked several other home school moms if they had noticed that and no one seemed to have noticed that.  It has always stayed in the back of my mind and I have not forgotten it, just one of those things that was left on the shelf with a big question mark.

In the last 5 or 6 years, I have heard several people make this quote, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear."  Well, I guess this student (me) was ready because my teacher appeared (book) and my question about sewer systems was answered.  I can't tell you the answer,  there is not enough room.  The book is over 500 pages.  But as I have questioned my beliefs, my values, my purpose, not just sewer systems in ancient Sumner,  my teacher has been appearing(in book form or lecturer) bringing the truth.  I was afraid in the beginning to ask myself some very hard questions but I knew I had to know the truth.  I wanted to know the truth!

I'm telling you this because I want you to STOP taking historical, religious or any important  information as truth until you check it out for yourself.  Humanity has been feed a lot of information that is not true.  The truth is out there for all to find and as you seek you will find the truth if you really want to know.  Let me say this again, IF you really want to know.   I was told in the beginning, to examine everything carefully and cling to that which is good.  The "good" is love!

The truth may come in some packages you weren't expecting, so open your heart.  :)

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