Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New Garden Gate

This is a long overdue project that we finally completed on Sunday.  It's one of those things that didn't take very long and after you are through, you are asking yourself, why did I wait so long to get this completed.  It really has been a long time in coming.  The old fence came from a home in Chickasha that they tore down probably 10 years ago.  I asked if I could have the old fence and the guy was glad to get it off of his hands.  Gary and I went in and took down the fence.  It was just what I wanted to go around my herb garden.  We promptly put up one side of the fence and the other side, well, I won't tell you how long it has been. 

I love the gate.  Gary made a frame for this old window and I painted the glass and sprayed it with some sealer. 

My herb garden looks a little over grown.  I had three extra tomato plants this spring and I planted them in the herb garden.  Never again,  they took over the place.  They covered my thyme and killed it.  I saw some fresh herbs at Wal-Mart and I am going to replant the thyme.  My thyme has over wintered very well.  The garden is next to the house and on the south side so that my be why a lot of my herbs make it through the winter.  Rosemary, thyme, lavender, garlic chives, these have all made it through the winter.  They may die back just a bit but quickly revive when the temperature warms.

I always say this, but if you don't have herbs please plant some.  You will love them!  They smell so wonderful and once you start cooking with them, you'll kick yourself because you didn't start using them sooner.

Have a wonderful day!  This weather is PERFECT!

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