Monday, January 7, 2013

Clove Oil

A little historical information that I thought was interesting regarding cloves: The people on the island of Ternate were free from epidemics until the 16th century, when Dutch conquerors destroyed the clove trees that flourished on the islands. Many of the islanders died from the epidemics that followed. Cloves were reputed to be part of the "Four Thieves Vinegar" used by grave robbing bandits to protect themselves during the 15th century plague. I wrote about this in my post on Thieves oil. Healers in China and India have used clove buds since ancient times as part of their treatments. Eugenol, clove's principal constituent, was used in the dental industry for years to numb gums. Medical Properties: Anti-aging, antitumoral, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic/anesthetic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, stomach protectant (ulcers), antiparasitic (worms), anticonvulsant. It uses: Cardiovascular disease, arthritis/rheumatism, hepatitis, intestinal parasites/infections, anti-aging, for numbing all types of pain, throat/sinus/lung infections, cataracts, ulcers, lice, toothace, acne. For a tickling cough, put a drop on back of tongue. CAUTION: Anticoagulant properities can be enhanced when combined with Warfarin, aspirin, etc. This can be taken internally, apply topically or diffused. Personal testimony - I haven't had my cholesterol checked in years but a friend was telling me that she had used lemongrass and clove oil to lower her cholesterol levels. I thought well to be on the safe side I will just do this for a month. And I did, put four drops of lemongrass and four drops of clove oil in a capsule (you can buy empty capsules at the health food store) and I would take one capsule in the morning and one before bedtime. This may be too much information for you but I feel like we need to be aware of these things, after about three weeks I started seeing worm casings on tissue paper and worms in my poop. I wasn't aware of the antiparasitic uses of the clove oil. Also, my husband was having some problems with a tooth and he was using the clove oil on his tooth. Dabbing one to two drops a day on his tooth and he experienced the same thing. After taking these two oils for a month, I really had a feeling in my body of just feeling cleansed. That's the best way I can explain it. I know the thought of worms in our bodies is sickening but almost everyone has parasites. For the most part, they go entirely unnoticed until they begin to cause unwellness. After that happened to me, I did some research on parasitic cleanses and essential oils have some of the strongest antiparasitic properties known. That's pretty evident after what happened to me. So next week I'm starting a parasitic cleanse. It will take several months to do it. Because you take oils for seven days and then off for seven days and you do this for 3 weeks and you repeat this cycle seven times. The regimen is : Choose three to four oils that have parasitic properities (there are a good list of oils to choose from). Put 4 drops of each oil in a capsule and take 3 to 6 capsules a day for 7 days. Then rest for 7 days and do this for 3 weeks. Repeat this 3 week cycle seven times. My plan for this year is to do a good cleansing for each organ. I'm starting with the parasitic cleanse. I'm thinking it will probably take most of the year to work through all of the body. After the holidays, I'm ready to get back to eating healthy. I didn't do too bad through the holidays but I sure feel better when I eat fresh food. Sorry, when I posted this it didn't break it up into paragraphs. Don't know what happened.

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