Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thought for the Day

Thought from my devotional this morning.

One tiny violet of encouragement will mean more to those with whom we live today than will acres of orchids when their pulses are stilled in death.

Lavish your friends and loved ones with love and encouragement that is in your heart because too often we leave words unsaid that could brighten and even turn around some one's day.

I saw many years ago in my life how I would often look at my children or my husband and think oh, my husband looks handsome this morning, or my daughter looks beautiful in that dress or your hair looks exceptionally good today, or I'm proud of the way you responded in that situation. I thought it but was asleep to the fact that I needed to speak it. Little things that seem insignificant can so brighten and turn around some one's day if we would only remember to say it or do it.

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