Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Buttermilk, a Marinade for Chicken

I've watched different cooks on the Food Network channel use buttermilk to soak their chicken.  They always talked about how moist it made the chicken.  Several weeks ago, I decided to try it and I don't think I will ever fry another piece of chicken without marinating it in buttermilk first.  The chicken is very moist and it makes a wonderful crispy crust.

I always wash off the chicken.  I was using chicken tenders. Then pat dry. I season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.  I put the chicken in a bowl and just barely covered it with buttermilk. I covered the bowl with saran wrap and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.  I let it sit on the counter about 30 minutes before frying it.  I had a dish of flour and rolled each piece in the flour so that it was covered with a good layer of flour and then put it into hot coconut oil.  I let it cook about 4-5 minutes on each side and then placed it on a paper towel to drain.

Our son was down for dinner that night and there was nothing left.  His words, "that's the best chicken I've ever eaten."  I'm hooked too, it was the best chicken I've ever eaten.

One other thing I did that hub and I loved was a chicken sandwich.  I took one tender and placed it inside some saran wrap and hit it with my rolling pin to flatten it out.  I seasoned the chicken and placed it in buttermilk.  Then fried it in coconut oil and drained it on a paper towel.  I had cabata rolls and toasted them and let them cool a little before adding miracle whip, lettuce leaf, tomato, and a thin slice of onion.  These sandwiches were wonderful!

Just another little tid bit of information, don't fry food in olive oil.  The olive oil ruins at high temperatures.  Olive oil should be used as a garnish or in salad dressing.  Crisco is terrible for you as well as liquid vegetable oil and canola oil.  Coconut oil is the best for frying foods and everyone needs 3-4 tablespoons a day.  If I'm having toast I will use coconut oil in place of butter.  There are a lot of benefits to using coconut oil.  Do some research on cooking oils.  You will find it interesting. You can buy coconut oil by the gallon at Tropical Traditions and they have special days where shipping is free.

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