Saturday, June 20, 2015

Father's Day

"A father doesn't tell you he loves you.   He shows you."     Demitri the Stoneheart

I grew up in a family that really never verbalize their love.  I hate to say that it was never said but if it was I don't remember.  My husband and I have talked about this.  I told him I never doubted for one minute that I was loved but it was never spoken.

Isn't it true that actions speak louder than words!  When you are loved by the actions of someone you don't need to hear I love you because you are secure and you know you are loved.  It's nice to hear it said, but it's not important.  If you are truly loved by someone, you know!

I remember a father who died several years ago.  He was a professor and had three small children, I think 2 boys and a girl.  He wrote all of them letters and the letters were so touching they were turned into a book.  He made national acclaim and was on television telling his story before he passed.  I've always remembered his advice to his daughter, it was "never go by what a young man says to you, only look at what he does." I thought at the time that's the best advice a father can give his daughter.

This is a great quote by the Stoneheart but I think it applies to us all not just fathers.  In marriages, friendships, family, and to the person on the street who you really don't know, who needs a helping hand or just a smile.  Let's remember to show our love!

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