Friday, June 19, 2015


I wanted to relay some information I read in a health magazine and I'm sorry I forgot to write down the source but I think it was in something I picked up at Natural Grocer.  I love cookies so this wasn't what I necessarily wanted to read.  Although, I will say that for several years with the except of an occasional package of Oreo's for hub I usually always make all of our cookies.  I know it takes time to bake and if you work outside the home it's hard to find time but it is really the best for you and your family.

For several months, I've been going to start blogging about GMO's because I have found that a lot of people aren't aware of GMO's.  I will just give you a snippet of information but I want to encourage you to research this subject on your own, because it's bad.  Your children and grandchildren are going to be feed a life time of GMO products if we don't start doing something about it.  Sorry, I got off track there. 

This is the information from the article I read. "Cookies that contain corn, corn syrup or soy products  may be heavily treated with pesticides or likely to contain GMO's.  The same goes for crackers, cereal, breads and other gluten-free goods.  Eighty-eight percent of corn grown in the United States is genetically modified and 93% of soy beans are genetically modified." Start reading labels if you don't already.  I read recently on a label that high fructose corn syrup was in a package of wieners.  What's that doing in wieners? I found that high fructose corn syrup and soy is in almost everything you buy.

GMO stands for "genetically modified organism."  My daughter and I were talking about this recently.  We both remembered the first time we heard about GMO's, it was on Rush Limbaugh's radio program about 10 years ago and he was taking about GMO's and how they supposedly were going to add salmon DNA to a tomato seed.  At the time, I thought why would someone want to do that?  Well, it's sinister when you find what is behind all this.

We are a big chip and salsa family and I found a really good corn chip that is Non-GMO.  Especially with corn products, you want to buy NON-GMO.  I've read where that have put Round-up in corn seeds.  I was looking at popcorn recently.  It doesn't matter if it's organic if the corn is not from an heirloom seed.  The seeds need to be heirloom to insure they are not GMO. 

Crest is now carrying flour and corn meal that is labeled Non-GMO.  Yes, it does cost more but not that much more. For the health of your family, it is very important. My focus for my family is on corn products and high fructose corn syrup.  I don't buy anything with high fructose corn syrup in it.

I've barely scratched the surface here but I'll go a little deeper soon.

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