Friday, June 5, 2015

A Good Soak in the Tub

I was listening to a lecture recently on essential oils and the speaker was talking about breaking the fright/flight syndrome.  Now, its not like the actual fright/flight where your heart is racing and you have been frightened pretty bad but it's just an accelerated metabolism.  That's the best way I can explain it.  You may have a hard time relaxing. 

Well, I knew I needed what he was talking about.  I have no trouble going to sleep but I sometime have nights where I wake up around 3:00 a.m. and I'm wide awake.  In the lecture, he suggested taking a hot bath and using one cup of epsome salts with about 8-10 drops of Chamomile and 8 drops of Vetiver and soak in this for 20 minutes.

I didn't have chamomile so I used lavender, vetiver and I used some magnesium crystals that I soak in.  Even this mixture worked like a charm.  I was very relaxed and slept for 7 1/2 hours which is very unusual for me.  I love vetiver it has a wonderful earthy smell. 

I always recommend Young Living Essential Oils they are the best therapeutic grade oils around.  Try this, it really works.  In the lecture he said to do it at least 3 nights a week to slow things down or the best is every night if you can. 

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