Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Bounty

I'm very thankful for the bounty but it's almost more than I can keep up with.  Everything seems to ripen at the same time. : )   I probably have 20 tomato plants that have come up on their own from tomatoes that fell on the ground.  I'm pretty sure they are cherry tomato plants.  If you would like some and you are close, I would love to give them to you.  I can't take care of that many and they are in odd ball places. 

The beets did very well this year and the Swiss chard is doing wonderful.  It's my first year to grow kale so I wasn't sure exactly when it would be ready but I'm learning and it is very good too.  The watermelon and cantaloupe are going crazy.  I saw the first baby watermelon last week.  I still haven't had a chance to get out there with the camera and take a picture.

I wanted to post a picture of the Esperanza.  In the last picture there were no blooms.  This is such a beautiful plant and it flowers all summer.  It is really beautiful and I am enjoying it. 

Can you believe it's the first of July?  I can't!  This summer is flying by and I'm trying to savor all the wonderful summer moments.  Our neighbor came today to survey the pasture to see if it is ready to cut and bale.  I can't wait.  I love seeing those big round bales sitting all over the field. 

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