Monday, February 4, 2013

Are You a Prepper?

A dear friend that I have not talked to in quite some time called me last week.  I was so glad to hear from her. We had a good visit and caught up on kids and what we both had been doing. Then she asked me if I had been "prepping."  I sat there a moment trying to figure out what she was talking about and finally I had to say, "what is prepping."  She said, "you haven't heard of prepping, haven't you watched the Dooms Day Preppers?"  Oh yes, I have seen it called prepping and no I haven't watched the Dooms Day Preppers. 

We had both made preparations for Y2K and shared ideas, so she was wondering what I was doing to prepare for future problems when the economy collapses. You notice I said when, not if. I am not an economic wizard so I don't know if inflation will get so bad that food will be so high you can't afford it or if there will be shortages.  I haven't a clue, only God knows that.

I told her the most important thing I think any one can do is to prepare a garden spot in your back yard. I think everyone needs to grow a garden whether there are economic problems are not.  Raised beds are easy to care for and you can grow a lot in them.  I told her about the book Square Foot Gardening.  I also told her to get a supply of heirloom seeds from Bakers Creek Heirloom Seeds Company. Also, buy a book on saving seeds. If you have a small back yard and not room for a raised bed then use your flower beds. Put together a good medical kit and buy the book Where There is no Doctor. Keep a good supply of water.

You can get all kinds of gardening information at the OSU Extension center.  They have a million fact sheets that tells you how to grow just about anything, how to take care of it, everything you would want to know. They have a website you can probably find this info on line but I'm still a notebook person who likes a copy in hand. They also have a fact sheet on how to build a cold frame so you can grow greens in the winter.

I would also suggest getting a book on canning and can your produce this summer.  Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Kitchen is a blog that I look at and she has wonderful canning recipes and she knows what she is doing. Check her out!

Also, Francis Tuttle VoTech Center is having Prepper's Classes this spring.  I thought that was very interesting. If you don't know your neighbors, I would get to know them.

The most important thing that I can say to you is to love your fellow man because most people will not be prepared when things start to happen.  Be willing to open your heart and your homes to help others.

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