Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's May It's May

It's May it's May, the lusty month of May.  Remember the song from Camelot.  To bad I wasn't a singer, laughing.  Dutch gets the honor of hearing my singing voice but not many others.  I love music and singing, I'm just not that good.  Darn it!

I was mowing and our pasture is beautiful with wild flowers and when I saw the flowers the song from Camelot popped into my mind.  May is a beautiful month, every thing is green and the flowers are beautiful the heat of the sun hasn't been to hot on everything yet.  And there is just the right amount of heat to be the perfect temperature to really enjoy the outdoors. Good time to have lunch and dinner outside.  (We have to deal with the wind at our place.)  :(

Have fun!

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