Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Happiness comes from within. " Some pursue happiness while others create it."  Emerson

Your life is truly what you make it.  You create your reality!  I remember the first time I heard that and I empathically thought that was not correct. I CREATE MY REALITY are you kidding.  Life really doesn't just happen!  If you are like I was when I first heard this, thinking this couldn't be right , I would urge you to do some pondering on the subject and start by thinking about what you think about most days.  Are you a positive person or negative?  Do you have a victim mentally? Do you have self pity?  What you think about is in direct correlation with how your life is.  If your life is not the way you want it to be, then change it. There is a quote that says, it's insane to think you can continue to do the same things everyday and think you will get a different result. (That's paraphrased) Start small and be consistent with one small change and then move to the next change you want in your life.  Think of all the things in your life you have to be thankful for and stop comparing yourself to someone else. As you allow your authentic self to emerge, true happiness and peace will start to settle into your soul.

About 12 or 13 years ago we were in the midst of a severe financial crisis.  I was medicating myself with food and I ballooned up to 280 pounds.  I would eat so much during the day that at night I could hardly breath when I would lie down to go to sleep.  I really was depressed and didn't realize it.  I got a job delivering weekly publications twice a week.  I started out with 30 stops a day and I was so over weight that I could hardly breath when I bent over to change out the publications in the magazine rack. When I would come to that last stop in the evening I was so glad because I didn't feel like I could make one more stop.  I felt so sorry for myself, the magazines were heavy and we delivered in 100 degrees or freezing temps and ice not to mention it was very humbling.  One of my days to deliver was Saturday and I would feel so sorry for myself because I had to work on Saturday.  The day would drag because all I thought about was poor pitiful me and how everyone else was doing all the things you do on Saturday that are fun.  Then one day I had this thought "I'm tired of your grumbling and your self pity."  It was out of the blue and it got my attention.  Next was," you have a lot to be thankful for your alive and you woke up this morning, find the good in every day."  You'll never know how that job and those words change my life. 

After that, on my way to work I had affirmations that I would say, I thank God that I have lived another day, that today is going to be a great day, that I'm strong and full of energy, and that I would see all the good in that day.  It wasn't long until one evening I was coming home from work and I had been wanting to swim for exercise and had been putting it off finding different excuses to not do it but this particular evening I had the thought," Do it tonight!" So I started going to a water aerobics  that night.  (You know all the thoughts....your fat, I have to put on that bathing suit, etc) but I didn't let that stop me.  I loved the class and I was so glad that I went. I felt good about myself that I made myself do it! (This was one of those small steps that I was consistent about doing) I was a little early that night and I remember trying to swim to the end of the pool.  I had to stop several times being out of breath.  I did the water aerobics for a year.  Then I started going to the pool and swimming laps and I now can swim back and forth down the pool 40 times.  I go and swim an hour.  On my job, I got to where I could make 90 stops and by the way I lost 50 pounds. I got to the place where I really loved that job and enjoyed seeing all the different people that I would meet on those days(and the days started to fly by).  I started seeing the beauty in every day whether the sun was shining, it was raining, or snowing it all was beautiful.  I started finding the goodness and the beauty in the smallest things.  I can tell you that I created my happiness and it was true happiness and it all changed because I started changing the way I was thinking and how I viewed my life.  I still thank God for that job because it saved my life in many ways and I learned some very important lessons.  

Remember you are a unique person who has a unique purpose and your life will be "Glorious" when you find your part!

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