Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Few Minutes of Imagination

Our neighbor started bailing the pasture yesterday.  If you have read my blog very long you know how much I love this.  The cutting and then the fluffing and then the bails.  It makes it feel and look so much like fall. I had pulled out our fall decorations yesterday and had started decorating the house when our neighbor showed up. 

I stopped what I was doing and watched him for a while and thought about how I would like life to be.  I let my imagination run wild for a while and thought about a world where the earth was clean and not polluted.  Where streams, rivers and lakes were filled with clean water and healthy fish to eat and you could grow a garden with huge vegetables and there would be no worry about GMO. Where there are clear blue skies and thunder heads are allowed to form during the day and then a gentle rain on a summer evening.  Where you could walk to downtown main street and there would be a butcher, baker and a candle stick maker and no more box stores. A land where people truly cared for one another.  Where jealously, hated, greed and control no longer exist, a place where money no longer controlled every aspect of life.  Where humanity could really live, explore and learn.  Where lives were not dominated by the thought of living each day just to make ends meet with there nose to the grindstone just to exist. People would really know their children and themselves.

Although the above is my imagination, I do believe there will be a time where the laughter of children will be heard in the world because war has been band and that men of all colors will share words of love (words from one of my favorite songs) The divisions that now exist will be gone and peace, love and plenty will fill the earth. There will be heaven on earth this is going to be my reality!

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