Monday, January 13, 2014

Back on the Road Again

This is fresh juice from carrots, a beet, cranberries, celery, cucumber, lemon and kale.  And while I was juicing all of this I was singing Back on the Road Again by Willie Nelson.  :)  You don't want to hear me sing but my cats were at the window and they seemed to like it.  :)

Well, I'm back on the road again juicing.  During the holidays, I really hit and missed in the area of  juicing.   As I write this, I want to encourage you as well as  myself in doing the little things that add a lot of good to our health.  Drinking lots of water, taking a walk every day, having a diet that is mostly fruits, vegetables, beans and grains.  I like to swim and it really helps my joints. I can really tell a difference in my body when I don't swim on a regular basis.   That is what I do for exercise.  I love to walk too but I have a little problem with my knee at the moment and so I don't do much walking. 

Our immune system is very important and so we need to do things that will strengthen our immune system.  Juicing is one of the things that brings good nutrition to our cells.  Another thing that I do is drink about 2 heaping tablespoons of barley green in a glass of water every day.  We have taken barley green for over 25 years and our children as adults still take it today.  Honestly, when our children were growing up they were almost never sick.  They realize this and that's why they still take it today.  The barley is good mixed with V-8 juice (that's how my husband drinks it) and I mixed it with orange juice when my kids were little.  The best barley green (in my opinion ) is a company called AIM and their offices are out of Nampa, ID.  You can find them on the Internet.  It is called barley life powder.  It's great stuff.  I also take olive leaf extract which is good for boosting your immune system.  It's my belief that God made our immune system to kill all disease and he gave us fresh foods to help nourish our immune system to do the job it needs to do.

As you get older it's important to keep moving and to be active.  I know you are probably thinking I'm tired and I don't want to do anything but if you will make yourself get up and start something in a little while you will start to have more energy and before you know it you are feeling better and you are getting things done that you want to do.  I always do projects in sections, especially if it is something big.  That way it is not overwhelming.  Or you can say, I'm going to work on this for one hour or two hours and then move on to something else.  Once you start making a dent in your pile of whatever you want done it gives you more enthusiasm to keep working on it. 

I'm outside today and I have a lot I need to do.  But I have done just what I told you.  I have divided it up into sections and I'm just doing one section today.  Then coming inside doing a couple of projects in the house and I have even worked into my schedule some time to sit and read.  :)

Have a great day and make yourself do what you don't want to do! ( I am) You will feel a lot better at the end of the day.

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