Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Peppermint Oil

When I first started using essential oils, peppermint along with lemon were the first two I used.  I used peppermint and lemon to do a 28 day liver cleanse.  The recipe for the liver cleanse is one drop of peppermint oil and one drop of lemon oil and one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in eight ounces of water.  Drink first thing in the morning and do this for 28 days.  Seems so simple, at first, I wondered if this would really work.  It really does work.  Lemon is the first stage for a liver cleanse.  I have done this 3 times now and I would highly recommend it.

The essential oil of peppermint first of all smells wonderful.  The fragrance is purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind.  Studies have shown that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy by 28 percent.  When inhaled it can curb the appetite, it improves a sense of taste and researchers have found that peppermint blocked headache pain.

The medical properties - Peppermint is an anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, gallbladder/digestive stimulant, pain-reliever, curbs appetite.

You can use peppermint oil for arthritis, respiratory infections (pneumonia, tuberculosis,etc) obesity, viral infections (Herpes simplex, herpes zoster, cold sore, human papilloma virus) funal infections/Candida, digestive problems, headaches, nausea, skin conditions (itchy skin, varicose veins, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, scliosis/lumbago/back problems.

Avoid contact with eyes, mucus membranes, sensitive skin, or fresh wounds or burns.  Do not apply to infants younger than 18 months of age.

Never put any essential oils in the eyes or ears.

On several occasions I have had a tickling in my throat and I put drop of peppermint oil on the palm of my hand and rub my hands together and then cupped my hands over my nose and mouth and inhaled it in and it totally stopped my cough.

As always, check with your physician before trying any oils if you have health issues.

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