Sunday, January 16, 2011

All Clean Inside

This may be a new post that some of you may not want to read. I will try not to be too graphic but I feel so good this morning that I wanted to tell you about the Liver-Kidney-Bowel Cleansing Fast and the Natural Gallbladder Flush I just completed.

For about a year, on occasion I had experienced slight symptoms of what I thought might be my gallbladder. I had heard and read about the natural gallbladder flush but truthfully I was a little afraid to try it. The thought kept coming to my mind, "what if something gets stuck in there" so I kept postponing taking any action.

Several weeks ago,I pulled out a couple of colon books and started reading them again plus the testimonials at the end of the book and I knew that I definitely needed to do a liver, kidney, and bowel cleanse. My colon book suggest that just for good maintenance for your body you should do the liver, kidney and bowel cleanse once or twice a year. The gallbladder flush info was in there also, I read it but wasn't sure I was going to do that.

This fast is a simple program that accomplishes detoxification of the major organs that are involved in retaining toxins in the body.
Materials needed:
Approximately 12 fresh lemons daily (no artificial substitute)
3 quarts of distilled water daily
1 pint of pure maple syrup

First day - 1 1/2 cups of fresh squeezed lemon juice mixed with 2 quarts of distilled water. To this add 4 tablespoons of maple syrup. This will be your total intake of fluid and food for the day; you should sip on it often. The 2 quarts should be consumed by 6 p.m. Please do not eat or drink anything except water after 6 pm.

Second day - Repeat day one. Today get lots of rest. Not much activity.

Third day - Repeat day two. Today you might feel like you are getting the flu. You might have a headache and feel unsociable. Hang in there. Your body is getting the message and making some adjustments.

Fourth and Fifth day - Stop the lemon mixture. Drink all the fresh tomato juice, carrot juice, and grape juice (dilute grape juice 1/2 with water), no commerical packaged juice. Do not drink citrus juices this day. Switch to spring water and drink all you wish.

Sixth and Seventh day - Add some raw fruits (morning) and raw vegetables (afternoon) to your diet these two days. These foods would be best if they were put through a blender. If you don't have a blender, remember to chew-chew-chew. You can also have all the fresh juice you wish. No citrus yet. Lots of water.

Eighth day - Today you can add plain yogurt and cottage cheese to your raw fruits and vegetables. Eat all you like. Drink 2 quarts of spring water.

Ninth day - Eat lots of raw fruit in the morning. At noon add some lightly steamed vegetables to your routine. Have all the fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese and steamed vegetables you wish and drink lots of water.

Tenth day - If you woke up on top of the grass instead of under it this morning you have made it. You are by now a much thinner, but wiser person. Today you can add small portions of chicken, fish, turkey or vegetable protein to your mid-day meal. Have all the fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese and juice that you like. As always drink plenty of water. By now you should have a very clean colon, liver and kidneys.

Eleventh day - Today you can go back on a very light regular diet. (This does not mean an extended visit to the Pizza Hut). It does mean that by now you should be able to eat anything you wish on a very moderate level. If you made it this far please do yourself a big favor and don't get caught up in the junk-food lane again. You now have a beautiful clean body. Treat yourself with respect by developing a good healthy restoration diet of lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, pasta, grains, seeds, nuts, sprouts and lots of pure water.

Remember to keep your colon clean by incorporating into your daily routine a good colon cleaner that includes a lot of fiber and herbs.
(1-11 are the instructions from the book)

I altered the directions a little. I put the maple syrup in the water the first day and it's ok but I really like the taste of lemon water so I didn't do it again. I also had one small cup of coffee every day :( . I didn't want to go through the process of having that headache because I was still going to drink coffee when the fast was over. If I was going to discontinue coffee from my diet I would have eliminated the coffee. I followed the rest of the directions except that I drank only water for four days instead of three. I was helping my daughter with something and I wasn't home to start the carrot juice. So I postponed it until the fifth day. On the fifth day I started the carrot juice and tomato juice. Around noon I was feeling a little nauseous and had some hurting between my shoulder blades it lasted about l5 minutes. I experienced a little nausea again about an hour later. Then about an hour after that I pasted 3 gallstones about the size of a quarter. Was totally shocked. I was surprised that I would pass gallstones just doing the fast. So that night, I thought if I'm passing gallstones and I haven't even done the flush maybe I should consider doing it. And I did. The next day I drank carrot and tomato juice and that evening I started the gallbladder flush at 7:00 p.m. according to the directions.

Directions for gallbladder flush
1 pint of virgin, cold pressed olive oil
1/2 pint fresh squeezed lemon. Squeeze just before treatment.
1 small can of V-8 juice or pineapple juice
1 measuring cup and 1 tablespoon

Begin your treatment at 7 pm. Using a measuring cup pour 1/4 cup of olive oil and drink it. Follow this with two tablespoons of lemon juice and follow the lemon juice with one tablespoon of tomato juice.

Now lie down and relax. Try to lie on your right side. Read or watch TV. Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have drunk the pint of olive oil. If there is lemon juice left go ahead and finish it at this time.

While you are doing the treatment, if you get nauseated, or the olive oil gets hard to swallow take some additional time between doses. You can take up to 20-25 minutes. The object is to get it all down, or as much as you can.

When you have finished the olive oil and lemon juice, go to bed and go to sleep. Try to lie on your right side as long as you can. The purpose is to speed up the process of getting the olive oil to the duodenum. The lemon juice will help free the stones for easier elimination.

Stay in bed until mother nature calls. You may get your first call around 2 or 3 a.m. Some may not start the elimination until around 10 or 11 the next morning. You can have gallstones like gravel, the size of peas, the size of your thumb nail and green bile. The stones can be green, brown, tan, shades of blue and even some green and red. The color comes from the bile salts.

For the next 30 days be kind to yourself. DO NOT eat anything that is fried or greasy, or highly spiced. Your diet should be mostly raw fruits and vegetables. You may steam, boil, bake or stir fry vegetables if you like. After 30 days gradually resume your normal diet. Hopefully, it will be a higher quality diet than ever before.

I followed the instructions precisely. I really didn't have a problem getting all the olive oil and lemon juice down. I really think that being on the fast helped accomplish that. Although, from the first drink of the olive oil, it was hard to swallow that. I was ready for the lemon juice after having that olive oil in my mouth. It took almost 2 hours to consume the olive oil doing it at 15 minute intervals. After it was all down, I went to bed and went to sleep lying on my right side. I woke up and 1:00 a.m. and was going to the bathroom off and on until 1:30 p.m. It wasn't until around 5:00 a.m. that I started seeing little tiny green things in the stool. I was feeling pretty nauseous around that time. I was feeling a knot in the pit of my stomach also. I thought how could anything still be in there. From about 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 there were from gravel size stones to pea size stones and they were green. Then around noon the big production finally arrived stones around the size of a dime, pea size and a lot of green bile. I would guess that all together I had probably 1/2 cup of gall stones. The pit was finally gone in my stomach. I felt a little weak and exhausted but I never had any severe pain just the nausea. I sipped on water until around 4:00 pm and I made a fruit smoothie that evening. I went to bed that night and slept 10 hours. I can't tell you the last time I've slept that long.

I don't have any major health problems and I would say to consult your physician before doing anything like this if you do have health problems.

For me, it's nice to know that there are natural alternatives to surgery. I just wish the medical community would help people more along these lines.

P.S. I hope I haven't grossed you out to bad, but when I said I looked forward to sharing my life with you I wasn't kidding. (laughing):)

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