Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Attachment - The Biological Roots of Love

Dutch and I are taking an infant message class.  Much to my surprise, I'm learning so much more than how to massage this little person.  It is our second week and I'm thinking where was this woman and this information when we were raising our children.  This has answered so many questions for me regarding connecting with your child.  The lady teaching the class, I'm guessing is around my age, has four children that are grown, and she did infant massage on her last two children. She credits the infant massage and learning about attachment to the self confidence her last two children display.

It wasn't until my third child that I realized there was more to raising children than keeping them clean, feeding them and teaching them manners.  Isn't that sad! I sought out help and was never able to find the help I needed. Most of the counsel I received was let them cry and don't spare the rod.  When my first child was born, I knew nothing about bonding and to be very truthful I was not prepared for the demands of a baby.  I really didn't have a clue.  I remember telling my mom, that she prepared me for marriage but not for having children.  In thinking about having a baby, I thought about how cute they are and how much fun they are to play with.  I never realized I would be up all night, or how hard it would be to take a shower let alone a bath.  The first trip to the grocery store was a night mare.  She started crying and wouldn't stop.  I know,  I didn't know what I was doing with our first child, I knew nothing about the significance of attachment.

I found this very interesting.  That up until a child is two years old the gene pool is still changing and adapting.  The emotional development of the child will dictate what genes open and what genes will stay closed. Attachment or bonding is the cornerstone of infant development. This process will guide our children to their highest potential.  The theory of attachment is scientifically proven by studies of the brain and the development of the brain.   It's a lot of information that I couldn't begin to relate to you here.  But if you are young and have children it is worth your time to check it out.

The massage is a great time for mother and baby to connect and it is very soothing to the baby.  There is specific upper body and lower body massage and then it is tied together.  Good technique on the stomach that would help baby to pass gas and also help with constipation. 

Infant massage is an ancient custom and has been used by many civilizations.

Dutch and I are having fun learning all about this.  One day he didn't want to lie down and have his massage and I told him, "he may not want to do this now but when he is older he will want someone  giving him a massage."  LOL

Having a lot of fun being little Star Dutch's  "Honey" !

If you are interested in infant massage contact:
Patti Harvey, Certified Educator of Infant Massage

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