Wednesday, October 14, 2015

PBS Presentation -NOVA - Noah's Ark

This presentation of Noah's ark was on Saturday and I think there will be a rerun tonight.  NOVA has reruns of their presentations so I hope you will watch it.

Cuneiform is the world's oldest writing system that comes from the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. There was a new clay tablet found that is dated 3500 BC that talks about a flood and the instructions were given to an upstanding man at that time with the directions to build a boat.  In the special, they actually go to that region to look at the materials and they found someone who stills has a small replica of this type of boat. This was the type of boat used by the Sumerians.  It's round and very different. I had never heard of a round boat before.  But because this region of the world is so dangerous they go to India and build a replica using the same materials but its still not as big as the original.  Very interesting presentation.

In the past 8 years, I have done a lot of research no longer taking in information as fact.  I have had to let go of a lot of beliefs that I had always taken as truth.  Many times I have shut the lid on my computer and walked away because I couldn't handle any more information that was disproving what I had believed all my life.  After several weeks of digesting the information, I would return and continue.  I am a lover of truth and I want to know the truth! I realize some people are happy with what knowledge they have, for some it's too hard and then I see other people taking the facts and trying to fit it into their belief system.  That's not going to work either. 

When I first came into organized religion my sunday school teacher told me, "if you are going to dedicate your life to living and believing a certain way you want to make sure that it is right." I actually took him at his word and started reading my sunday school lesson and the Bible and found out they were leaving out other scriptures that didn't fit into their doctrine.  Not only was the sunday school lesson leaving out things the preacher was too.  It wasn't long before we left organized religion.

At that time God said, "I'm taking you a way you've never been before" He did.  It was the road less traveled and it has been quite a journey and it continues to be.  The truth has become a rabbit hole that goes so deep at times, fiction is more believable than the truth.

I'm not saying you have to believe what I believe but if you see that things are not right and you are not happy with your belief system.....start your research because there is a reason you feel that way.  There is a saying I have found to be very true, In pursuit of the truth people never start or they don't go far enough. You have to want and love the truth to find it! It's a journey that you have to take for yourself because in your heart you have to know what is truth.

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