Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Landing Zone

This is the back of our barn.  I met a man who does air brush painting and we bartered out the work.  I was excited about exchanging our talents instead of money.  I had a hard time choosing which sun and moon I wanted painted on the barn.  I found so many cool ones. You can't see it in this picture but on the moon side there are little stars and on the sun side there are floating clouds.   This will eventually be a gathering place for family and friends with a fire pit, comfy chairs and eating space.  In the evening, it's shaded and there is almost always a nice breeze.  It's a wonderful place to star gaze at night and it faces the east so it's a wonderful place to see the sun rise.

When we were on vacation, we had dinner at a restaurant with a beautiful outdoor dining area next to the bay in Seattle.  It was so beautiful outside at one point, I ask my husband did he notice anything.  He didn't know what I was getting at but there was no wind sweeping down the plains and no bugs (flies or mosquitoes).  That is amazing to me, certain parts of the country get all the perks.

My husband affectionately named the area behind the barn " The Landing Zone" after I had a wild dream.  In the dream, I was working in flower beds on the north side of our home, I heard a noise and looked up and a ET craft was slowing rising from behind the barn.  The craft was a shape that I have never seen.  I stood up and started jumping up and down and waving and yelling the craft dipped down to acknowledge me and then in warp speed it was gone.  Usually. I don't remember my dreams, or I can only remember parts of a dream, but I remembered every detail of this dream. It was pretty exciting.

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