Friday, July 21, 2017

What The Health

What the Health is a new documentary on Netflix and well worth your time to watch.

We had made pretty drastic cuts in the amount of meat we ate before watching the documentary but after watching it my husband said, "he thought he would become a vegan."  I started laughing because he has always been a big meat eater but he has made some pretty major changes in his diet.  Meat has never been a really big deal for me but I do like dairy products. 

What has been done to the food supply is an atrocity.  People are having all kinds of physical symptoms and the majority of it is related back to the food we eat.  I can never say it enough, but all of us need to do our research regarding GMO products.  It is deadly! Then you have the meat industry, chem trails and then all the radiation that is coming from all the electronics. I was thinking recently how I made it just fine without a cell phone. I'm amazed at how obsessed people are with their cells phones.  What irritates me the most is when people sit their phones on the table when they are eating and they look at every text message or call.  Watch people at restaurants.  I leave my phone in my purse half the time.  Not intentional but I just forget to take it out and I don't carry it from room to room with me.  I'm not that fixated on it and I never have been.

I don't want to dump a bunch of doom and gloom on you this beautiful summer day but we all need to live more simply and get back to nature. Sit outside in the evening and stop watching television. As hot as it has been in Oklahoma lately, I'm sure you are thinking sure I'm going to sit outside. We are really spoiled.  I'm old enough that I remember my grandparents sitting out on the porch every evening until it was dark and we had hot summers back then.  Invite the neighbors over for a piece of watermelon and get to know the person who lives next door. 

Last, but certainly not least, is grow a garden even if it is just a couple of things.  You will love having your own fresh produce.  The last two years, life was so hectic for me I didn't have a garden and I missed it so much.  I just grew tomatoes and herbs this year and I feel like I'm home again having a garden.  Be sure and find good seeds.  I recommend Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Missouri and Johnny's Seeds from Maine. 

We have lost so much in life.  The real beauty and enjoyment that was given to us to be relished has been cast in the dirt for things that mean absolutely nothing. 

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