Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This makes my blood boil!!

Recently, I was looking through my son's Sociology book from college. I know the agenda of the colleges are to change the way our children think. In fact, over 100 years ago the public education system was changed to do just that. Starting in kindergarten through college. The goal is to create worker bees, slaves, who show up for a job everyday, do their job, go home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed and start all over again. The big high light of the week is the weekend when you don't have to "work". They have been very successful. Children today do not think critically, not just children, even adults. There are so many contradictions on the evening news (which I don't watch anymore) I'm thinking are people not catching this? I'm getting side tracked here. Back to the book. It stated that parents are in agreement that it is more socially important for their children to know how to conduct themselves in today's society than to be taught all the academic subjects. The only subject that the educational system views as important is Math. I don't have the book here with me or I would quote it exactly. In fact, I will do it at another time.

Twenty-five years ago the agenda was hidden. But it is out there in plain sight for all to see now. Probably thirty years ago, in the Baptist church we were attending at the time, there was a special meeting. It was a husband and wife team and they were both teachers from the midwest. They were traveling the country trying to wake up parents to what was going on in the public school system. They could take a teachers lesson plan for the year and show the teacher how this philosophy was woven into what they were teaching. Our children were not school age at the time. When our oldest became school age she was enrolled in a Christian school and evently we started homeschooling.

We homeschooled for 17 years and this is my opinion "nothing is perfect." Not everyone can afford to send their children to private schools and not all mothers can stay home with their children. My advice to young mothers is raise critical thinkers, unconditionally love your children, give them wings and let them make mistakes while living under your roof. If you are Christians guard your heart from being religious. Make sure you have dinner together every night at a dinner table with the TV off and talk to your children. Love them and pray for them and the rest is up to God. As God asked me one day, "do you think you can change their heart" and I said," is that what I'm trying to do" and He said "all you can do is teach them what you know and leave the rest up to Me."

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