Tuesday, September 5, 2017


I read an interesting article about a very creative and fascinating artist. 

Her cousin, who was a cardiologist, had passed and he left her his 1970 Carl Zeiss microscope with a digital camera mounted on top.  She had been looking at all types of liquid under the microscope but was looking for something deeper not just something that was visually striking. 

She had a series of deaths in her family, loved ones,  the passing of wise elders she called them and this released in her some different emotions.  The tears started and she was curious as to how her tears would look under the microscope never imagining what she would see and feel from observing her tears. There was an sense of majesty as she looked at the tears.  There were walls, fortresses, bubbles, ferns, strange striations, geometry - broken and unbroken.  She said, "she realized the view was a lot like looking out of the window of an airplane, down at the earth below. All in a dried up tear drop."  She started taking tears from different emotions she would feel, laughing till you cry, sad tears, tears of compassion, so mad you cry and she saw the different design in the tears.  Different emotions created different tears.

She has had art shows around the world.  And in France a designer took one of her patterns and created a lace pattern from it.

The artist is Rose-Lynn Fisher, a very interesting and creative woman.  The pictures above are her tears from compassion, joy, sadness and gratitude. I could never do the article justice in this small amount of space but its something else to think and ponder, how our emotions are tied to so many things and how emotions impact all facets of our being.

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