Friday, January 27, 2017

CDC is Finally Going to be Exposed

I was so excited when I read this article, I was jumping up and down in the living room. The area of health is just one of the many atrocities that humanity has suffered.  Vaccines, flu shots, pneumonia shots, shots for shingles all of these are filled with concoctions that have nothing to do with helping you stay healthy or preventing any kind of disease. If you have never heard about this before, there are many sources of information on the internet.  I learned about this when our last child was in the middle of getting his vaccinations.  What is scary, is back when our children were getting their shots (I can't remember exactly) but they got a total of 9 or 10 shots and today its unbelievable how many shots they are giving little children.  The one I really couldn't believe was the hepatitis shot babies are given in the hospital when they are only a few days old.  You can say "no" to all of this!

You may not like President Trump but America needs a warrior to deliver the nation out of the hands of people who are self serving and wicked.
This is another article about Robert Kennedy Jr. exposing the concoctions that are in vaccines and the damage they are doing to children.

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