Sunday, August 3, 2014

Here's My Watermelon

Ok, the picture on the seed packet shows the meat to be a orange-yellow.  I'm a little disappointed in the flavor.  It was sweet but not the best watermelon I've ever eaten.  I won't plant this variety again.  I was looking forward to delivering wonderful watermelons to family and friends......well, not this year.  I want to amend the soil in the raised beds this winter and that will help the flavor of whatever I plant.  That may be why the color of these melons were not the orange- yellow.  

These are some observations of nature that I have noticed over the last five years.  Number one, there are hardly any geese making their flight north or south.  When we first moved to the country, this was one of my favorite things.  We moved to the country in late September and I'll never forget being awakened by all the honking one morning.  I ran outside and there were hundreds of geese flying south in formation and they came in droves for a month.  Now, literally there is almost nothing.  :(  We may see a small formation of maybe 20 geese once or twice and that is stretching it.
Number two, the migration of the monarch butterflies.  In the last three years, I've seen maybe a couple.  In contrast, we would see groups of them landed in the flower beds, flying over the back roads in the country.  One year, we were exploring and came upon a riverbed where there were hundreds.  It was one of the most beautiful sites.  I had never seen anything like that and until then I didn't even know that monarchs migrated.  Number three, This one is about turtles.  In the spring, we see lots of turtles again, out on the back roads in the country crossing the road.  I would never get out on one of these roads and not see 5 or 6 turtles crossing the road.  I've not seen one turtle this year. The last one is about our hummingbirds.  They left this year for a month.  They have never done that before.  They are usually here all summer.  They came back about a week ago. 

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