Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Garden is Producing!!!!

I was happily surprised when I went to the garden this morning and saw these tomatoes.  Several of them were ready to pick.  I don't think I have ever had tomatoes to ripen this early.  There is nothing like the taste of a home grown tomato.  I just get so excited about tomatoes! I know, it doesn't take much to excite me.  :)

The basket has sugar snap peas under all that Swiss chard.  I'll be using the Swiss chard for juicing and salads.  I haven't taken any pictures but our spinach has done great also.

I'm so thankful for this fresh food.  I want you to know at the beginning of spring,  I was discouraged and I wanted to quit.  This year with the freeze, no rain, gophers and rabbits have been taking their share and then the wind has been ruthless.  I would stand at the kitchen window and watch the paper I had put around the bottom of all the tomato plants flying across the pasture and then the straw was blown everywhere except around the tomato plant.  It has been work on top of work and I wanted to cry.  There were times when I would go outside to survey the damage and under my breath I was cussing and saying,"this isn't worth it."  But it is!  It is worth all the toil and back breaking labor when you put that first tomato or crisp chard or tender spinach in your mouth for the first time.  

I can't wait to see the watermelons and cantaloupes.  I feel like I'm a real farmer growing watermelon and cantaloupes.  Laughing.

Well, I'm a little burned and somewhat tired this evening after a wonderful day in my garden!

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