Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Here we go with another morning in the thirties.  I mentioned in a former blog that I would still like to have several more fires in the wood stove.  Well, I have and I have really enjoyed them but this cold weather seems quite odd this late in the spring.  I still haven't planted my garden.  I never have been this late in getting it in but I'm glad now that different things have happened that has prevented me from getting that done.  But Thursday is the official day for me to get everything planted.  Last Saturday, I bought my tomato, pepper, egg plant and some of my herbs and I have all the seeds I need.  So hopefully, no more freezing weather.  We have had a lot of rain at our home and the ground feels a lot better.

Today, I want to tell you about the essential oil, Helichrysum.  I find it interesting, no sad, that the medical community will tell you if you have plaque in your arteries that the plaque will never come out or that surgery is your only alternative.  Helichrysum will chelate chemicals and toxins from your body.  I would like to say here not only does this oil help remove plaque there are several other oils that will do the same but also changing your diet will remove plaque from your arteries.  Years ago, that was some of the information I found in some of the books I was reading and recently daughter number two heard a doctor speak about his 80 percent clog arteries and he opted to change his diet rather than have surgery.  It is truly a life style change but he did it.  He never had surgery.  But he become a vegan no meat or animal products or sugar.  I wish I could say I was there but I'm not.  Meat has no hold on me but sugar and cheese do. I try to limit my consumption of these things.

Helichrysum is also an anticoagulant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, antiviral, liver protectant, detoxifier, stimulant and regenerates nerves.  Helichrysum is used to combat the herpes virus, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, blood clots, liver disorders, circulatory disorders, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis scar tissue, and varicose veins.  You can apply several drops on your temples, forehead, back of the neck or the outside of the ear, the chakras or vita flex points, directly inhale, diffuse or take internally. 

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