Monday, December 24, 2012


Since today is Christmas eve and the Bible tells the story of the gifts that were brought to Jesus, one of those gifts was Frankincense. There are over 52 references to Frankincense in the Bible.  Frankincense is considered the holy anointing oil in the Middle East and has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.  During the time of Christ, it was well known for its healing powers.  Used to treat every conceivable ill known to man, frankincense was valued more than gold during ancient times and only those with great wealth and abundance possessed it.  It is mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, Ebers Payrus (dating from the sixteenth century B.C.) an ancient Egyptian list of 877 prescriptions and recipes.

The medical properties of Frankincense - Antitumoral, immunostimulant, antidepressant, muscle relaxing.

The uses for Frankincense are depression, cancer, respiratory infections, inflammation, immune-stimulating. Frankincense contains sesquiterpenes which stimulate the limbic system of the brain (the center of memory and emotions) and the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands.  The hypothalamus is the master gland of the human body, producing many vital hormones including thyroid and growth hormones.

Dr. Linn at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is now doing clinical studies on treating cancer patients with Frankincense. The Frankincense for his clinical studies is being provided by Young Living Essential Oils.  Thus far, he is having phenomenal results having cured 4 to 5 different types of cancer in a matter of a few months.

Also Frankincense coupled with copaiba (an essential oil) is a great fighter against inflammation in the body.

Frankincense can be taken internally, diffused, inhaled, 2-4 drops on chakras/vita flex points.

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