Making little changes in your home can change your state of mind. If you've been saying to yourself, "I'm tired of looking at the same old thing" try rearranging your furniture or if you don't or can't rearrange the furniture; maybe you can move something small. Change your lamps around or flower arrangements. Create a whole new setting on your coffee table or dinning table. Do something new on your mantle.
Make or buy a new flower arrangement, buy some new kitchen towels and new rugs for the kitchen, new bathroom towels or rugs, new tablecloth, new throw pillows, buy some living plants instead of having all artificial. If you are real energetic you could paint one wall a special color or wall paper one wall. I'm not saying do all these things but you can do a couple of things and it makes a difference in your home and you will enjoy looking at it and so will your family. Everyone will like the change.
The pictures I posted are just some examples of little things you can do. The set of embroidered kitchen towels, I think look cute in a kitchen. That may not be your style. But the other kitchen towels I love too and you can find those and many other designs at the Wilshire Garden Market. They have wonderful candles, french soaps that smell wonderful, outdoor carpets and pillows. They are at N. May and Wilshire, one block east.
I put up all my winter decorations last week and so I'm thinking spring!!!! I was thinking that I would really like a new tablecloth for my breakfast table and I was wanting a vintage print and "wa la" I ran across one last weekend. The towel in our bathroom, I found packed away in a box of things I had forgotten about. It's something different and I really like crochet on towels.
I got a set of embroidered kitchen towels years ago for a wedding gift and loved them. I used them until they were so thin you could see through them. I had a set made for myself and each one of my daughters. The design for my daughters is different from the set on this post. I know someone who does excellent embroidery work if anyone is interested I would be glad to give you her name. You can't buy these embroidered kitchen towels anymore and I personally think they are great gifts.
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